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Procurement: Reduce Spend Using Process & Technology

As costs come under pressure, extracting maximum value from external legal spend is more vital than ever. Traditional procurement processes and purchasing systems simply aren’t effective in the legal category, and this webinar explores why this is the case and shares proven solutions that combine processes and technology to maximise value and provide oversight and control.

With a platform design based on an in-depth understanding of the legal industry, the frustrations in-house legal teams face, and best practice in legal procurement, Lawcadia was the first business globally to develop a technology solution that manages and improves the legal procurement process for corporate and government clients.

In a webinar hosted by Procurement and Supply Australasia (PASA), the leading provider of information and education to procurement and supply professionals throughout Australia and New Zealand, Warwick Walsh (CEO & Founder at Lawcadia) and Steven Dudley (Solutions Specialist at Lawcadia) draw on their insights and experience of working with numerous corporate and government legal teams and over 150 law firms.

This webinar will help you to:

  • Develop strategies that can save up to 30% of your organisation’s legal spend
  • Identify the most common challenges in applying traditional procurement solutions to the legal category
  • Understand the key areas of wastage in legal and how to prevent it
  • Learn ways that procurement can work more closely with legal to drive cost savings
  • Explore ways for procurement to get oversight and control over legal spend
  • Learn how matter-based RFPs can drive value in addition to formal panel arrangements
  • Understand the role of pricing and alternative fee arrangements in the legal category

Drawing on the insights from the presentation and discussion points of the webinar we have compiled a handy infographic available below. If you have difficulty viewing the infographic you can view it as a PDF here.

Procurement Infographic Reduce Legal Spend Using Process & Technology


