5 Benefits Of Adopting Matter-Based RFPs For In-House Legal Teams

5 Benefits Of Adopting Matter-Based RFPs For In-House Legal Teams
5 Benefits Of Adopting Matter-Based RFPs For In-House Legal Teams

For in-house legal teams, the efficient selection and engagement of law firms is crucial in supporting their organisations’ legal needs. Matter-based Request for Proposals (RFPs) has emerged as a valuable tool for in-house legal departments seeking external assistance with specific legal matters.

Unlike traditional RFPs used to appoint law firms to a panel, matter RFPs focus on tailoring the selection process to meet the unique requirements of each legal matter or project. In this blog article, we will explore five key advantages of utilising matter RFPs to optimise the performance of the legal function and ensure the best possible outcomes for organisations.

1. Tailored expertise for specific matters

In-house legal teams often face diverse and complex legal matters that require specialised expertise. Utilising matter RFPs enables them to competitively source law firms with the skills and knowledge necessary for each specific matter. By clearly outlining the unique demands of the matter, in-house legal teams can attract responses from law firms who possess the required experience in the relevant practice areas.

This tailored approach ensures that the selected law firm has a proven track record in handling similar matters, instilling confidence in the in-house team and their internal stakeholders. Further, securing specialised expertise through matter RFPs enhances the in-house team’s capacity to address diverse legal challenges effectively.

2. Ensuring value for money and budget management

Managing costs effectively is a constant concern for in-house legal teams. Legal matter RFPs facilitate a competitive selection process among law firms, encouraging them to propose cost-efficient solutions tailored to the specific legal matter.

By comparing pricing structures and service offerings, in-house legal teams can identify the most cost-effective options without compromising quality. Furthermore, matter RFPs allow law firms to suggest alternative fee arrangements, providing budget predictability and cost controls for in-house teams managing legal matters within finite budgets.

3. Transparent law firm selection process

Selecting the right external law firm is vital for the success of any legal matter. Matter RFPs streamline the law firm selection process for in-house legal teams, offering a structured and transparent framework for evaluation.

With clear evaluation criteria, in-house legal teams can objectively assess law firms based on their experience, qualifications, approach, and other factors such as project management or diversity. Further, using matter RFPs helps in-house teams to conduct fair and consistent engagement processes that align with important corporate or Government procurement policies.

4. Improved legal support and client satisfaction

Effective matter RFPs can deliver better legal and business outcomes and, in turn, enhance client satisfaction. By engaging the right law firm and aligning the right expertise, approach and price with the matter or project, in-house legal teams can ensure the delivery of legal solutions that precisely address the organisation’s needs.

The competitive nature of matter RFPs motivates law firms to present innovative and efficient approaches to the legal matter, resulting in high-quality service delivery. This, in turn, enhances client satisfaction, fostering stronger relationships between the in-house legal team, the law firm, and other departments within the organisation.

5. Close the loop with reporting and feedback

A crucial advantage of adopting matter-based RFPs for in-house legal teams is the ability to close the loop through robust reporting and insightful feedback. Not only does this help to create transparency, but it also promotes continuous improvement and strategic decision-making. Providing law firms with clear feedback on why they were successful or not in the RFP process empowers them to understand where they excel or need improvement.

With matter-based RFPs, in-house teams can capture critical data for reporting purposes, such as the reasons for engaging a specific law firm – their expertise, competitive pricing, diversity, responsiveness, or pre-existing organisational knowledge. These metrics become invaluable for future RFP processes, budget forecasting, and operational optimisation.

Additionally, a structured process allows in-house teams to manage changes to the scope of work more effectively, discouraging law firms from underquoting to win work. This approach helps maintain fairness and integrity, fostering more sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships between in-house legal teams and their partnering law firms.


Matter Request for Proposals (RFPs) offers several advantages to in-house legal teams seeking to optimise law firm selection and procurement processes. By utilising the right expertise, cost-efficiency, transparent law firm selection, improved legal support and insights that matter RFPs offer, in-house legal teams can bolster their organisation’s legal capabilities and achieve better business outcomes.

Embracing matter RFPs as a strategic tool ensures that in-house legal teams are well-equipped to navigate the diverse legal challenges within their organisations.

Need help managing matter RFPs? Discover Lawcadia’s innovative RFP & Spend Management solution.

