Emerging Legal Technologies & Practice

Emerging legal technologies
Emerging legal technologies

Lawcadia’s Founder and CEO Warwick Walsh was recently invited to present a lecture and participate in a panel discussion at the University of Southern Queensland.

Warwick Walsh at USQ

The topic of  the panel discussion was “The Future of Law” and covered a variety of important issues and opportunities in legal practice and the drivers of change, including the shifting mentality towards the business of law. The panel session was facilitated by Angus Murray, Lecturer at the University of Southern Queensland, Partner and Trademark Attorney at Irish Bentley Lawyers, Co-founder and Director of The Legal Forecast, and Member of the Queensland Law Society Innovation Committee.

“New and emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, are significantly altering the way in which law is being delivered and practised. These emerging technologies also mean that future lawyers will need additional skill sets to practice law and be involved in developing these new methods of providing access to law.”

The other panelists of the panel discussion were: Jess Caire from Pexa, David Bowles from Queensland Law Society, Chantal McNaught from LEAP & Steve Tyndall from NextLegal.

A Recording Of The Session Can Be Viewed Here

