Enterprise Features

Enterprise Features
Enterprise Features

A new and improved user experience

The latest release of Lawcadia’s Platform delivers a step-change in the user experience with new features, an upgraded look and feel, all with a faster response time.

Complex matters managed in one simple location

Now even the most complex of matters can have the same level of control and visibility that clients have come to enjoy with Lawcadia. Enhanced functionality enables clients to manage multiple tenders and engagements with numerous service providers under a single matter view. Reporting features are also included for these complex matters so that users can easily see fees billed, WIP and future fees, and also monitor and control scope changes.

Enhanced reporting

Evaluating tenders is an essential decision making step. Lawcadia’s upgraded tender evaluation reporting captures essential tender information and displays it in a simple chart that will enable efficient decision-making.

Building on the excellent reporting foundation in Lawcadia’s Platform, the new release enhances the reporting functionality with additional filtering and access to new data pools. Users can instantly review data according to matter type, organisation business unit, service provider and much more. Intuitive drill-down functionality also delivers immediate analysis and insight that can be quickly exported to excel or printed for internal reporting requirements.

Enterprise features

Responding to high demand, Lawcadia will be releasing enterprise level features including private cloud infrastructure and single sign-on (SSO) integration to deliver enterprise-grade encryption and compliance for those organisations that need it.

Private cloud infrastructure provides high level data and cyber security. Designed to meet the most stringent organisational security requirements, our solution can also be hosted on premises. Large enterprise clients seeking the gold standard in security and regulatory compliance will now be confidently using Lawcadia for the procurement and management of all legal matters.

Likewise, single sign-on (SSO) integration to an organisation’s existing identity management systems is also now available, reducing time and enhancing security.

Small changes can make a big difference

Simple things like auto-save and a matter search function provide a seamless experience for in-house counsel and lawyers, enabling a quicker and more consistent workflow even when working across numerous matters.

Want to find out more?

To experience the new release for yourself, please book a demonstration.

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