LegalTech Startup Sets Aside Stereotypes And Dreams Big

Legal brain drain
Legal brain drain

This article is prompted by the announcement last week of extensive funding by the Queensland Government “to empower and encourage our researchers, entrepreneurs, startups and businesses,” firmly placing innovation on the agenda.

“We have a dream that soon, Australia will be the global leader in legal technology.”

At Lawcadia, we are passionate about creating and developing Queensland and Australia’s startup ecosystem. We have a huge amount of belief in the future of this state in developing talent and innovation, but there is a long way to go.

As innovation and new ways of thinking and doing things starts to get embedded in our culture, the way that our community views entrepreneurs, innovators and startups will change.

For many people, there is a stereotypical image of startup entrepreneurs as young, male, brainy and not well-equipped with social skills. This image is reinforced by the media, but in my experience, it is far from the truth.

At Lawcadia, we certainly don’t have anyone that could be characterised in that way. The two founders are 35+ professionals with many years of industry experience in different sectors. One is a woman and mother of two. Neither have tech backgrounds or coding expertise. What we do have is a very clear insight and understanding into some major issues that companies face and some really good ideas about how to solve them in a way that is unique and simple.

What I have learnt about startups is that it is not simply enough to have a good idea and execute it well. It is about developing smart strategies, experimenting with different approaches, being humble with peers and colleagues, being grateful for feedback and time, and most of all, saying ‘thank you’.

It is our eco-system that really supports and pushes our business onwards and upwards, and that is what I believe Queensland is capable of doing well for many startups.

At Lawcadia, we are passionate about legal tech developments and feel that Australia can be a global centre for this. We have some of the best lawyers in the world, we lead the world in legal drafting, and there are so many other factors that truly lend Australia to succeeding in this field.

We have a dream that soon, Australia will be the global leader in legal technology. We need to be more daring, back our ideas and connect with the right people. Most of all, we need to believe that this can be done.

I do.

