Speak With Marty Harlow, GSK

Procurement Director
Procurement Director

We invite client-side in-house counsel and procurement professionals involved in the buying of legal services to the next Buying Legal Council APAC interactive webinar with legal procurement pioneer Marty Harlow of GlaxoSmithKline on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at 1pm AEDT.

Marty Harlow, Procurement Director for Global Legal Services at GlaxoSmithKline, is a superstar in the legal procurement world and has been a pivotal figure in the advancement of the field.

We first heard Marty speak last year and were greatly impressed by the substance and value of his presentation, and I highly recommend that you find the time to join us for this webinar.

The topic of the webinar is: Sourcing Legal Services – Maximising Value

Participants will learn:

  • How to hit the ground running
  • Charting a plan
  • Key focus areas that will deliver success
  • What’s “hot” in sourcing legal services right now

Times in the Asia Pacific Region will be:

  • 10amHong Kong & Singapore
  • 12pm Brisbane
  • 12:30pm Adelaide
  • 1pmSydney, Melbourne, Canberra

If you are interested in reading more about Marty and his strategic influence on the global legal market read this article in Briefing Magazine, September 2016.

This upcoming webinar is a great example of the key figures in legal procurement that the Asia-Pacific market is now getting access to thanks to Lawcadia and the Buying Legal Council’s new collaboration announced earlier this month.

Attending the first few Buying Legal Council APAC webinars is complimentary, and is a fantastic opportunity to network and learn about leading initiatives for our region. If you would like to attend, please email us at [email protected] and we will register you.

