Matter Reporting Made Easy

Matter reporting
Matter reporting

To demonstrate the true value of your legal team, you need to know what kinds of matters you’ve been responsible for over time. However, gathering and analysing this information can be a time consuming and frustrating exercise.

At least, it used to be…

With Lawcadia’s matter focused reports, the information you need to highlight your team’s expertise is just a click of a button away.

Downloadable to Excel, our matter reports provide everything from a breakdown of your current and historical matters, to their distribution across organisation units and methods of engagement. To make it even easier, they’re all stored in and accessible from the one safe, secure, cloud-based location.

Automated and easy to read, these reports are just a taste of what the Lawcadia Platform has to offer. To learn more about our reporting functionality and how it can help your team shine, register for our free webinar on Thurs 4 October, or contact us to book a demo today.

