Financial Services Breach Manager
Reducing the complexity and time required to investigate and report potential breaches.
Financial services breach manager
Gadens Breach Manager
Gadens Breach Manager is a cloud-based solution designed to help organisations within the financial services and insurance sector manage the depth and breadth of mandatory breach reporting obligations.

Powered by Lawcadia’s technology, the Gadens Breach Manager streamlines the information collation, assessment and reporting process of potential regulatory issues to one online platform, allowing financial services institutions to ensure defensible, timely and cost-effective compliance with the new regimes and regimes with increased obligations, including BEAR/FAR, ADI, AFSL and ACL obligations, AML/CTF, Privacy, Design & Distribution, COBCOP & GICOP.

The culmination of 600+ hours of regulatory research and navigation of 2000+ provisions, civil and criminal penalties, exemptions, and significance tests intuitively incorporated, Gadens have developed a solution that has all the necessary tools and instruments required to investigate and report potential breaches. It also clearly incorporates the four arms of significance: material loss and damages, misleading and deceptive conduct, civil and criminal penalties, and otherwise significance tests.
Lawcadia is Efficient and Easy to Use
Off-The-Shelf And Easy-To-Use
The solution is available off-the-shelf, utilises Lawcadia’s enterprise-ready ISO 27001 certified platform and is designed to be exceptionally cost-effective.

The following enhancements have been added since its launch in 2021:
Breach intake
Outlook integration
New exemptions
Sign-posted significance tests
Compliance review and triage
Updated core obligations
All built-in, easy to use
Capture & Streamline Potential Regulatory Breaches
Meet Reporting Obligations
Allows financial services organisations of any size to readily meet the breach reporting requirements quickly and cost-effectively.
Alternative to High Q
Robust Breach Reporting System
A clear and well-documented process that is comprehensive and kept up-to-date by leading experts in financial services regulations.
Escalation Process Included
Structured and timely breach escalation process that allows for reporting decisions to be made well before the 30-day deadline.
Built-In Matter Management & Reporting
Because the application is deployed through Lawcadia you can access the matter and project management capabilities plus BI reporting tools.
Easy On-Boarding
Risk and compliance teams can get access to the Gadens Breach Manager in a matter of days with training and support provided.
Secure Access, Anywhere
Lawcadia's cloud-based platform and information security management system is ISO 27001 certified and readily accessible.

Want to know more?

If you want to manage your financial services breach reporting process and manage associated risk, please complete the form below and we will arrange a demonstration.